Olivia Piche
Farm Staff
Growing up, I was involved in a rescue facility where we would foster and rehabilitate dogs. To me, these dogs became family, and seeing them get the loving life they deserve meant everything. Once in high school, I took an Animal-Assisted Therapy class, this taught me how to recognize certain body language in dogs that indicate how they’re feeling. This helped me learn how to create a trustworthy relationship with dogs and approach situations in the appropriate manner.
I have always had a soft spot for animals since I was young and wanted a job where I would be passionate about my work. Once I saw that Active Dog was hiring, I immediately took the opportunity because of the dedication and love I have toward not only my dogs, but any dog.
My favorite type of dog has to be pitties. I currently have two pittie mixes at home and wouldn’t trade them for the world. ‘The gentle giant’ is the best way to describe them, especially one of my dogs, Charlie. I grew up fostering pitties and would always catch myself getting extremely attached to their sweet and nurturing tendencies.
My favorite way to spend a day or weekend off would be just getting out of the house—whether it’s going camping, hiking, or hopping from one thrift store to another, and just playing the day by ear from there.
Here’s a look at what’s happening on our nature hikes. We post photos and videos for every hike.